EUROCAM:n webinaari 21.11.2024: TCIH:n tuki antibioottiresistenssin torjunnassa Euroopassa
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Keskeisiä johtopäätöksiä:
- TCIH as a valuable tool in addressing AMR: The webinar highlighted the potential of TCIH in reducing antibiotic overuse and promoting prevention-based approaches to infection management. As Dr Dominique Monnet, Head of Section, Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare‑Associated Infections (ARHAI), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), emphasised, “We currently lag behind 2030 AMR targets. While progress is being made, a more targeted approach, incorporating One Health principles, is necessary. Going forward, we need to focus on solutions that can lead to prevent infections and reduce unnecessary antibiotic consumption. This is particularly important in the community—where most antibiotic use occurs and where targeted interventions can have the greatest impact on total antibiotic consumption in humans.”
- Global collaboration: Speakers emphasised the need for broader international cooperation in sharing knowledge, research findings, and blueprints for the research and application of TCIH.
Muutamia kohokohtia:
- The webinar opened with a welcome from Dr Hiba Boujnah, representing Charité Competence Center for Traditional and Integrative Medicine (CCCTIM), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Dr Boujnah highlighted that this webinar is part of Charité’s ongoing collaboration with EUROCAM, promoting research and integration of TCIH into public health strategies, and addressing critical health issues such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
- Dr Esther van der Werf discussed the latest high quality evidence on TCIH interventions for infection prevention and treatment. The studies she reviewed—ranging from systematic reviews to real-world evidence—suggested promising outcomes for managing antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with critical implications for improving treatment protocols and guiding future research in the field.
Lue webinaarin koko raportti:
Katso webinaarin videotallenne:
Webinaari 21.11.2024: Lupaavia tieteellisiä näkymiä: TCIH:n tuki antibioottiresistenssin torjunnassa Euroopassa.
TCIH = Perinteinen, täydentävä ja yhdistävä terveydenhoito
Join us in our One Health webinar on the World AMR Awareness week (WAAW) as we examine the role of Traditional and Complementary Integrative Healthcare (TCIH) in addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) within the One Health framework.
We’ll be joined by
- Dr Dominique Monnet, ECDC;
- Prof Dr Motlalepula G. Matsabisa, University of the Free State;
- Prof Dr Erik W. Baars, University of Applied Sciences Leiden;
- Prof Dr Esther van der Werf, HRI;
- Pammy Riggs, Farmer and Whole Health Agriculture Livestock Health Advisor;
- Prof Dr Ivan Ivanov, NCIPD;
- Dr Hiba Boujnah, CCCTIM;
- Adrianne Waldt, EUROCAM;
- and moderated by Tido von Schoen-Angerer, IVAA and TCIH Coalition president.
What the webinar will cover:
- Discussions of TCIH as a key part of AMR strategies
- Updates from the ECDC and other institutions on current antimicrobial consumption and antimicrobial resistance in the EU/EEA and gaps
- Insights from experts regarding the research landscape for TCIH and AMR advancing towards One Health approach
- Collaboration between continents, Africa-Europe, as global challenges require global solutions
- Real-world evidence and good practices on the role of TCIH in addressing AMR, as well as applications from practitioners in innovative farming methods
- Recommendations for advancing TCIH research initiatives in the EU and global collaboration, and to meet its 2030 AMR targets
This webinar is organised by EUROCAM in cooperation with Charité Competence Center for Traditional and Integrative Medicine (CCCTIM), Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
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